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Iris Izydorczak Presents at ACM GROUP Conference

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Graduating senior Iris Izydorczak presented our research on integrating role-based data sharing into Google drive at the The ACM international conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP ’25).

The paper (citation below) can be found on the ACM DL:

DriveGroups: Using Group Perspective for Usable Data Sharing in Research Collaborations James G. Frazier, Emily K. Weinstein, Iris Izydorczak, Yifan Wu, Nazaret Cuadros, Dipashreya A. Sur, Sarah Morrison-Smith Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, GROUP

Congratulations Iris on giving a fantastic talk!

Dr. Morrison-Smith is posing outside in front of some leaves. She is smiling and wearing a red dress.
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